periodic search#
The periodic search module provides functions to compute the probability of a periodic signal to be present in the data, using quantities computed from single events statistics.
- nuance.periodic_search.periodic_search(epochs, durations, ls, snr_f, progress=True)#
Returns a function that performs the periodic search given an array of periods.
- Parameters:
epochs (np.ndarray) – Values of epochs for with the likelihoods have been computed.
durations (np.ndarray) – Values of durations for with the likelihoods have been computed.
ls (list, tuple, np.ndarray) – Tuple of (likelihoods, depth, depths variance).
snr_f (callable) – Function that computes the SNR given the epoch, duration and period.
progress (bool, optional) – wether to show progress bar, by default True
- Returns:
Function that computes the SNR and parameters for each period.
- Return type: