Fast injection-recovery#
Because nuance provides a way to perform the full-fledged modeling of transits in the presence of stellar variability and systematic signals, it can be used to analytically estimate the detectability of planetary signals in a given light curve.
Traditionally, this task is done empirically by injecting and blindly recovering synthetic transits. Although nothing can formerly replace this process, we can estimate the signal-to-noise ratio of an injected signal given our model of the light curve (Gaussian process + linear systematic model).
This tutorial requires the lightkurve
package to access the data
In order to run this tutorial on all available CPUs, we set the XLA_FLAGS
env variable to
import os
import jax
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = f"--xla_force_host_platform_device_count={os.cpu_count()}"
The dataset#
We will run this tutorial on the light curve of TOI 451, for which a GP was optimized in the previous tutorial. Let’s download the data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lightkurve as lk
import numpy as np
# single sector
lc = lk.search_lightcurve("TOI 451", author="SPOC", exptime=120)[1].download()
# masking nans
time = lc.time.to_value("btjd")
flux = lc.pdcsap_flux.to_value().filled(np.nan)
error = lc.flux_err.to_value().filled(np.nan)
mask = np.isnan(flux) | np.isnan(error) | np.isnan(time)
time = time[~mask].astype(float)
flux = flux[~mask].astype(float)
error = error[~mask].astype(float)
# normalize
flux_median = np.median(flux)
flux /= flux_median
error /= flux_median
# plot
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
plt.plot(time, flux, ".", c="0.7", ms=2, label="PDC-SAP flux")
plt.xlabel("time (btjd)")
plt.ylabel("normalized flux")

and rerun the GP optimization.
import jax.numpy as jnp
from nuance.core import gp_model
from nuance.utils import minimize
from tinygp import kernels, GaussianProcess
# rotation period
star_period = 4.9555
# gp
initial_params = {
"log_period": jnp.log(star_period),
"log_Q": jnp.log(100),
"log_sigma": jnp.log(1e-1),
"error": np.mean(error),
def build_gp(params, time):
kernel = kernels.quasisep.SHO(
return GaussianProcess(kernel, time, diag=params["error"] ** 2, mean=1.0)
# optimization
mu, nll = gp_model(time, flux, build_gp)
params = minimize(nll, initial_params)
gp = build_gp(params, time)
Estimating the SNR#
The analytical injection-recovery presented in this tutorial will consist in computing the recovered SNR of injected transit signals given a range of planetary radii and periods.
We will compute the duration and depths assuming a circular orbit at 0 impact parameter. Let’s instantiate a Star object to hold the stellar parameters of TOI 451
from nuance import core, Star
star = Star(radius=0.950, mass=0.879)
We then generate n
random epochs and jax.vmap
the core.solve function
n_epochs = 10
t0s = np.random.uniform(0, 12, n_epochs)
solve_function = jax.vmap(
jax.vmap(jax.jit(core.solve(time, flux, gp)), in_axes=(None, None, None, 0)),
in_axes=(0, None, None, None),
The core.solve function returns a function that computes the depth of a transt given its epoch and duration, it has the signature function(epoch, duration, period=None, depth=None) -> (depth, depth_variance, log_likelihood)
. When the depth
parameter is set, the function computes the depth of a transit injected with this depth
. Usually depth=None
, as this feature is only useful for injection-recovery estimates.
We can now define snr
the function that will:
compute the duration of the transit given its period
Compute the
depths of the transit given a set ofN
radiiCompute the
fitted depths of the injected transitsCompute the SNR of the injected transits
def snr(period, radii):
duration = star.transit_duration(period) # 1
depths = star.transit_depth(radii) # 2
_depth, _var, _ = solve_function(t0s, duration, period, depths).T # 3
return _depth / jnp.sqrt(_var) # 4
Let’s compute the SNRs for a set of periods and radii
from tqdm import tqdm
# We downsample the period grid to speed up the calculation here
periods = star.period_grid(np.ptp(time), oversampling=0.1)
radii = np.linspace(0.5, 10.0, 50)
snrs = np.array([snr(period, radii) for period in tqdm(periods)])
100%|██████████| 83/83 [00:11<00:00, 7.00it/s]
We can now plot the resulting recovery assuming a lower limit on the SNR for a signal to be detected
snr_limit = 6
ax = plt.subplot(111, xlabel="period (days)", ylabel="radius ($R_{\oplus}$)")
plt.pcolor(periods, radii, np.mean(snrs.T > snr_limit, 0), cmap="Greys_r")
_ = plt.colorbar(label="recovery")

This is a good way to see what can be detected with this optimized GP model.