GP optimization#
nuance requires a Gaussian Process (GP) of the light curve to be built and optimized before searching for transits.
In practice, any tinygp.GaussianProcess
object can be provided. Here is an example of how to build and optimize a custom GP on the light curve of the active star TOI 451.
This tutorial requires the lightkurve
package to access the data
In order to run this tutorial on all available CPUs, we set the XLA_FLAGS
env variable to
import os
import jax
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)
os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = f"--xla_force_host_platform_device_count={os.cpu_count()}"
Loading data#
As in previous tutorials, we will download light curves of TOI 451 using the lightkurve
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import lightkurve as lk
import numpy as np
# single sector
lc = lk.search_lightcurve("TOI 451", author="SPOC", exptime=120)[1].download()
# masking nans
time = lc.time.to_value("btjd")
flux = lc.pdcsap_flux.to_value().filled(np.nan)
error = lc.flux_err.to_value().filled(np.nan)
mask = np.isnan(flux) | np.isnan(error) | np.isnan(time)
time = time[~mask].astype(float)
flux = flux[~mask].astype(float)
error = error[~mask].astype(float)
# normalize
flux_median = np.median(flux)
flux /= flux_median
error /= flux_median
# plot
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
plt.plot(time, flux, ".", c="0.7", ms=2, label="PDC-SAP flux")
plt.xlabel("time (btjd)")
plt.ylabel("normalized flux")

This star shows a clear stellar variability that needs to be modeled (but not removed) before searching for transits. In nuance stellar variability is modeled using a GP.
Identify rotation period#
Even though the rotation period of the star will be a hyperparameter of the GP, it is useful to have a rough estimate of it. For that we will build a simple Lomb-Scargle periodogram.
def rotation_period(time, flux):
"""rotation period based on LS periodogram"""
from astropy.timeseries import LombScargle
ls = LombScargle(time, flux)
frequency, power = ls.autopower(minimum_frequency=1 / 10, maximum_frequency=1 / 0.1)
period = 1 / frequency[np.argmax(power)]
return period
period = rotation_period(time, flux)
print(f"P = {period:.3f} days")
P = 4.955 days
Defining a GP#
The next step consists in choosing an appropriate kernel and define a build_gp
function to build our tinygp.GaussianProcess
Here we choose to implement a simple Damped Harmonic Oscillator kernel (SHO), probably not completely representative of the stellar variability of TOI 451, but sufficient for the purpose of this tutorial.
import jax.numpy as jnp
from tinygp import kernels, GaussianProcess
initial_params = {
"log_period": jnp.log(period),
"log_Q": jnp.log(100),
"log_sigma": jnp.log(1e-1),
"error": np.mean(error),
def build_gp(params, time):
kernel = kernels.quasisep.SHO(
return GaussianProcess(kernel, time, diag=params["error"] ** 2, mean=1.0)
Note that we set the mean
of the GP to 0, as nuance include a baseline model by default.
In order to optimize the GP, we compute the negative log likelihood of the GP on the light curve and minimize it using the scipy.optimize.minimize
from nuance.core import gp_model
from nuance.utils import minimize
mu, nll = gp_model(time, flux, build_gp)
params = minimize(nll, initial_params)
Let’s plot the results
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
plt.plot(time, flux, ".", c="0.7", ms=2, label="PDC-SAP flux")
plt.plot(time, mu(params), c="k", label="GP model")
plt.xlabel("time (btjd)")
plt.ylabel("normalized flux")

That’s it, you can now use this model to search for transit while accounting for stellar variability. Next step would be to clean for flares and define a more robust systematics model.